Susan Vukadinovic
About Your Donation
Fundraising is crucial in non-election years.
I am seeking donations to run for re-election as an elected public school board trustee.
Trustees typically serve two terms, and the next election will take place in October 2025.
Election campaigns can fundraise up to $5,000 per year in non-election years.
It costs approximately $400 per year to maintain this website, which would have to be shut down in the absence of donor dollars.
Every little bit helps. Your donation is vital for running a winning campaign.
Thank you to every supporter who contributes a campaign donation of any size.
Whether you give $5, $50, $500, $5,000, or anything in between, I appreciate your generosity.
My Campaign Goals
(last updated January 12, 2024)
Fundraise $20,000 by September 1, 2025 to cover the costs of lawn signs and flyers in the 2025 election (1% of goal met so far with 1 donor).
Do flyer drop to all 100,000 residences in Wards 8 & 9 in the 2025 election (which would require fundraising a total of $20,000 by September 1, 2025).
Win hearts and minds.
Get re-elected.
Your Donation Options
Send an e-transfer to susanvukadinovic@gmail.com. When you donate by sending an e-transfer or writing a cheque to my campaign, 100% of your donation goes to the campaign -- and none of it goes to Paypal fees.
Write a cheque. If you choose to donate by writing a cheque, please contact my campaign so we can arrange the best way to pick up your cheque.
Make a credit or debit card payment through Paypal. When making a contribution through the Paypal button, please check the box asking whether Paypal can share your mailing address with my campaign. Your address will never be made publicly available, but it is required to fulfill Elections Calgary campaign finance requirements.
The Fine Print
Individuals can contribute any amount, up to $5,000 to any candidate.
Donations to school board trustee candidates are not tax deductible.
Only individuals who ordinarily reside in Alberta are allowed to make a contribution.
Corporations, unincorporated organizations, trade unions and employee organizations are not allowed to make contributions.
Thank you for your donation!
Your support is awesome.
You're awesome!